Admission to the Professional Teaching Certification Program

The UP Open University’s Professional Teaching Certification (PTC) program is a non-degree program designed for individuals who have completed a Bachelor’s degree in any field and who intend to teach at the secondary education level.

  • Program Schedule/Offering: Trimester

  • Admission Schedule: 1st, 2nd, and 3rd trimester of every academic year

  • Admission Exam: Not Applicable

  • Admission to PTC Guidelines:
    (Reference: Clarifications on the Procedures for Admission to PTC document from the Faculty of Education)

    1. For new applicant, admission application may be approved based on the credentials of the applicant and the accomplishment of the admission requirements. Once approved, the student can enroll in the PTC courses offered in each term.
    2. Current students of UPOU programs need not apply to PTC if she or he wished to enroll in PTC courses. S/He can enroll in PTC courses as extra courses of her/his program in the University. However, her/his enrollment to the PTC courses should have a prior approval from both program chair of her/his degree program and the program coordinator of PTC.
    3. For applicant who is applying for PTC and another UPOU program, both applications can be processed. However, in a case where both applications are approved by the respective program admission committee, the student should choose which program s/he would pursue in the University. If s/he should choose to pursue PTC, s/he should be considered as non-degree student and should not be allowed to apply for a degree program in the University unless, she or he would sever her- or himself from the PTC program. Severing from the PTC program should be done through a clearance.
  • Admission Qualifications and Requirements:

Admission Qualifications:
To be admitted to the PTC program, the applicant must:

  1. have satisfied the program-specific requirements specified in the program’s information and curriculum.
  2. have submitted the complete documentary requirements for admission before the application deadline; and
  3. have completed the UPOU Distance Education (DE) Readiness Module. Link to the DERM will be emailed by admissions.
  1. Print copy of the signed application for admission form generated from the Online Application System.
  2. Photocopy of the Official Transcript of Records (OTR) for all degrees earned;
  3. Proof payment of application fee (non-refundable) amounting to PhP 500.00 for applicants based in the Philippines or USD 100.00 for applicants based abroad. Payment procedures are available in the Online Application System.
  4. Two pieces identical 2” x 2” photos and two pieces identical 1” x 1” photos, with your name and the program applied for printed at the back of the photos;
  5. Photocopy of NSO or PSA Birth Certificate;
  6. Photocopy of government-issued IDs with photo.
  • Admission Procedure:

    Step 1: Apply for admission and upload the admission requirements through the Online Application System. Monitor the progress of your application through the OAS.

    Note: If you are a UPOU alumnus or a former UPOU student applying for admission to a new degree program, please access the online application system through the Student Portal.
    Please do not create a new OAS account.

    Step 2: As soon as the online application is accomplished, mail the complete and valid admission documents to the address below:

    The Admission Section
    Office of the University Registrar
    UP Open University
    Los Baños, Laguna 4031

    Refer to the UPOU Academic Calendar for the deadline for submission of application documents.

    Step 3: Complete the DE Readiness Module (DERM). The link to the DERM will be emailed by admissions.

    Step 4: Wait for an email from the OUR for the admission results. Results of the evaluation will be released after the evaluation of the PTC Admissions Committee and before the registration/enrollment period of the applied term.

    Updated 26 April 2021

Application Deadlines
for the PTC Program

Academic Year 2024-2025

  • 1st Trimester : 18 May 2024 (S)
  • 2nd Trimester : 5 October 2024 (S)
  • 3rd Trimester : 8 February 2025 (S)

Academic Year 2025-2026

  • 1st Trimester : 31 May 2025 (S)

Contact Information:

Admission Section

Office of the University Registrar
UP Open University
Los Baños, Laguna 4031 Philippines

Tel No: (6349) 536-6001 local 441/199
Email: [email protected]